ESPAnet Annual Conference Warsaw 2023 (onsite only)


 The detailed programme is available as PDF FILE or in ExOrdo system.

Please note that all the names and titles are drawn directly from ExOrdo system and they were given by you during registration process. Titles cannot be removed. If you want to change your title, please log in to ExOrdo system, and inform us via e-mail ( so that the programme can be adjusted accordingly.

At this point no changes in slots/presentation date/hour shall be accepted.

SEPTEMBER 7th 2023

from 8:00 on  Registration 

 Auditorium Building, Entry Hall

(6 on the map)

11:00  Opening of the conference

Old Library, Aula

(9 on the map)

11:30 – 13:00 Plenary – Keynote 

Paweł Kaczmarczyk

Old Library, Aula

(9 on the map)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch + poster exhibition

Auditorium Building,  Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

14:00 – 16:00  Parallel sessions 


 Auditorium Building (6 on the map):

Stream 1: room 223, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 2: room 314, 3rd floor

Stream 3: room 303, 3rd floor

Stream 6: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 7: room 308, 3rd floor

Stream 8: room 312, 3rd floor

Stream 14: room 222,2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 16: room 317, 3rd floor

Stream 20: room 316, 3r floor

Stream 27: room  313, 3rd floor

Stream 29: room 315, 3rd floor

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

Auditorium Building, Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

 16:30 – 18:30 Parallel sessions 

 Auditorium Building (6 on the map):

Stream 1: room 223, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 2: room 314,3rd floor

Stream 6: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 7: room 308, 3rd floor

Stream 8: room 312, 3rd floor

Stream 16: room 317, 3rd floor

Stream 17: room 303, 3rd floor

Stream 20: room 316, 3rd floor

Stream 21: room 313, 3rd floor

Stream 29: room 315, 3rd floor

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

Old LIbrary (9 on the map):

Stream 23: room 105, 1st floor

Pitch your book, room 308, 3rd floor

19:00 – 21:00 Reception

Fisherman Boat, Bulwar Karskiego

(for directions – see: useful info)

SEPTEMBER 8th 2023

from 8:00 on Registration

 Auditorium Building, Entry Hall

(6 on the map)

9:00 – 11:00 Parallel sessions 

 Auditorium Building (6 on the map):

Stream 2: room 314, 3rd floor

Stream 4: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 5: room 303, 3rd floor

Stream 11: room 316, 3rd floor

Stream13: room 312, 3rd floor

Stream 14: room 222, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 15: room 313, 3rd floor

Stream 16: room 317, 3rd floor

Stream 25: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 26: room 223, 2nd floor

Stream 29: room 315, 3rd floor

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

Old LIbrary (9 on the map):

Stream 23: room 105, 1st floor

Pitch your book, room 308, 3rd floor

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

Auditorium Building, Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

11:30 – 13:00 Plenary – Keynote 

Heejung Chung

Old Library, Aula

(9 on the map)

13:00 – 14:00 Lunch + poster exhibition

Auditorium Building, Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

14:00 – 16:00 Parallel sessions 

 Auditorium Building (6 on the map)

Stream 4: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 5: room 303, 3rd floor

Stream 9: room 314, 3rd floor

Stream 10: room 315, 3rd floor

Stream 11: room 316, 3rd floor

Stream 12: room 222, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 15: room 313, 3rd floor

Stream 16: room 317, 3rd floor

Stream 19: room 312, 3rd floor

Stream 25: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 26: room 223, 2nd floor, entrance B

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

Old LIbrary (9 on the map)

Pitch your book, room 308, 3rd floor

16:00 – 16:30 Coffee break

Auditorium Building, Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

16:30 – 18:30 Parallel sessions 

 Auditorium Building (6 on the map):

Stream 4: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 9: room 314, 3rd floor

Stream 10: room 315, 3rd floor

Stream 11: room 316, 3rd floor

Stream 12: room 222, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 15: room 313, 3rd floor

Stream 18: room 303, 3rd floor

Stream 22: room 317, 3rd floor

Stream 25: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 26: room 223, 2nd floor, entrance B

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

Old LIbrary (9 on the map):

Stream 23: room 105, 1st floor

Pitch your book, room 308, 3rd floor

19:30 – 22:30 Dinner

Arkady Kubickiego, by the Gardens of the Royal Castle in Warsaw

(for directions – see: useful info)


SEPTEMBER 9th 2023

from 8:00 on Registration

Auditorium Building, Entry Hall

(6 on the map)

9:30 – 11:00 Plenary  – panel discussion

Old Library, Aula

(9 on the map)

11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break

Auditorium Building, Aula Baszkiewicza

(6 on the map)

11:30 – 13:30 Parallel sessions

  Auditorium Building (6 on the map):

Stream 4: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 14: room 222, 2nd floor, entrance B

Stream 23: room 313, 3rd floor

Stream 25: room 307, 3rd floor

Stream 28: room 303, 3rd floor

Open Stream: room 105, 1st floor

Old Library (9 on the map)

Stream 23: room 105, 1st floor

Pitch your book, room 308, 3rd floor

13:30 – 14:00 Closing ceremony

Old Library, Aula

(9 on the map)

15:00 – 18:00 Social event
2 groups (15:00-16:30, 16:30 – 18:00)

The Fryderyk Chopin Museum

(+concert) for directions – see: useful info

The Pitch-your-project session will take place near the registration spot and Aula Baszkiewicza, in Auditorium Building (grund floor), where the coffee breaks and lunch will be served. 

The following projects will be presented:

A matter of transition? Working life trajectories and retirement behavior in post-socialist contexts across Central and Eastern Europe (LInda Kirdahl, Stockholm University)

ERC-CAPABLE: Enhancing Capabilities? Rethinking work-life policies and their impact from a new perspective (Mara Yerkes, Utrecht University)

Families receiving basic income support in Germany. Interaction effects between relationships and institutional contexts in “poor families” (Christian Grafe, University of Osnabrück)

Globalization- and Technology-Driven Labour Market Change and Fertility (LABFER), ERC Consolidator Grant (Anna Matysiak, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Interdisciplinary Centre for Labour Market and Family Dynamics LabFam)

How are socio-cultural contexts reflected in coparenting? A qualitative cross-national analysis in the CopaGloba Study (Chino Yabunaga, Tokyo University)

Parental Leave Policies and Social Sustainability (Sustainability@Leave) (Thordis Reimer, University of Hamburg)

The effects of unemployment on health of family members (HEALFAM) (Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Umeå University)

Short and long term effects of the COVID-19 pandemics on partners’ division of paid and unpaid work and their labour market outcomes (FAMILYDEMIC) (Anna Kurowska, University of Warsaw, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies)

Publishers’ Exhibition will accompany the whole conference. Bristol University Press and Policy Press, Edward Elgar Publishing and Palgrave Macmillan will display their books right next to the the registration spot and Aula Baszkiewicza.



Do you have any questions regarding this conference?

We are happy to assist you!

University of Warsaw

Faculty of Political Science and International Studies
Krakowskie Przedmieście 26/28
00-927 Warsaw, Poland

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